

You can get a refund of the purchase price, but not the postage, for any adapter returned in unmodified condition within a reasonable time after purchase

If you want to return an adapter, please mail it to

BK Grips

P O Box  440022

St. Louis, MO  63144-0422

Please send an email to when you have actually mailed the adapter.  Normally, we only check the PO box about once a month.  But if you return an adapter with a mail tracking number and you provide that number to me, I will track the package and pick it up within a day or two of its arrival at the PO Box.  If you do not provide a tracking number, I will start checking the PO Box about a week after you advise that you have mailed it – experience shows that most regular forms of mail take about that long to get put up in the box.

Please note that this address is FOR RETURNS ONLY.  Do NOT mail an order to this address.  See the Payment tab for an explanation why an order received at this address will not be processed, and any payment received will be shredded, not returned.  (You can void a personal check and put it back in your account, but if you send a cashier’s check or money order you’ll lose it.)

Return Shipping Packaging:  When making a return, some customers have reused the Priority Mail Flat Rate Box that was used to deliver grip adapters in the first place.  That’s fine, AS LONG AS YOU APPLY PRIORITY MAIL POSTAGE.  It is unlawful to use those boxes for any purpose other than mailing by Priority Mail.  A customer recently reused a box and only applied Media Mail postage.  I managed to talk the local post office out of returning the box to sender for inadequate postage, but will let that happen if the situation occurs again.  SO – if you’re going to reuse the box, be sure to put Priority Mail Postage on it!