Power knocked out by wind storm Friday 3/14. Can’t print mailing labels (no printers) and can’t make more adapters (no air compressor – they harden under pressure to minimize air bubbles.)
Also, no email because the business email works only on the desktop computer, which does not like generator electricity.
Power company has no estimate for when we will be back on line. I‘ll ship orders as soon as I can but until then I’m just on break.
I did get the generator going, and I think I saved the ice cream.
Temporarily Out Of Stock . . .
. . . will probably be a fact of life for BK Grips, at least for a while. Demand has been such that I simply cannot make new adapters fast enough to keep the inventory bins full at all times. Since the web site only shows items that are in stock (insuring that I NEVER end up swamped with unfilled back orders) this means that customers will frequently not see what they’re looking for.
I can only make 6 at a time, and a batch of 6 takes 3.5 hours from start (mold prep and copper clip work) to finished product in a For Sale bin and web site inventory updated. An hour of that process is Xacto knife work under a magnifier trimming flash off the 6 adapters I just took out of molds, before the resin gets too hard to cut with a knife. I also have other demands on my time besides making grip adapters
I have looked for but not found an industrial-level process to make these things in (relatively) vast quantities. So it remains hand work on individual products, and one of the limits on THAT process is how many I can carve in a day. Arthritic hands limit that number, and if I push it one day to get more done I frequently can’t do any the next day due to hand cramps.
Black adapters sell MUCH faster than ivories – 6 black adapters can disappear in hours after going into inventory, whereas the last of a batch of 6 ivories usually sits for at least a week and sometimes much longer. So don’t expect to see ivory adapters back in stock in the foreseeable future.
Grip adapters are made for Colt D/E/I frames, S&W K/L/N frames, and S&W J frames. (Some, coincidentally, fit other brands – check the Fitting Pix tab to see pictures of the ones customers have had success with.) If you want an adapter and don’t see it on the Order page, it means that particular item is currently out of stock. I will make more, and will update the web site as soon as something becomes available, but it sometimes takes a day or two to get caught up. So In the meantime, please just check back later, and thanks in advance for your patience. Please do not email asking if the business is closed or when things will be available – just be aware that I’m working on it.
And Now Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming
ORDERING NOTE: You should get a confirmation email shortly after you finish placing an order. I get a copy of the confirmation, along with another email advising me of the order itself, and a third advising of payment. I use these emails to fill the orders.
SO IF YOU DON’T get that confirmation within 24 hours, please send an email directly to kip@bkgrips.com, advising that you haven’t received the confirmation. I have other information sources I can then use to fill an order, but don’t normally look at them unless I know there’s an order out there for which I haven’t got the information in the usual form. (This has only happened once in the 6+ years since this business opened, but the customer’s order was delayed for quite a while because I didn’t know it was out there.)
PAYMENTS ARE BY PAYPAL ONLY. While in the past payments have been allowed by check or money order mailed to a PO Box, the demands of this business have made It increasingly inconvenient for the sole operator to continue doing that. So, beginning 5/17/21, payments will only be accepted through PayPal. I don’t like their politics any more than the next guy, but they are the only game in town for very small businesses to take credit cards. If you do not have a PayPal account and don’t want to set one up, all I can suggest is that you find a friend who has an account and ask them to order for you. (Be aware that shipping has to be to the address of the PayPal account holder.)
SHIPPING IS BY PRIORITY MAIL. Postage is in addition to the cost of the adapter(s). It’s whatever the current rate is for a Small Flat Rate Box, which goes up every year in January, and USPS has been adding a “christmas season” surcharge beginning around October for the past few years. The rate is for as many adapters as will fit in a single box (which is at least 10 but may be as many as 12).
PLEASE NOTE THAT SALES ARE LIMITED TO USA ADDRESSES ONLY. I’m afraid it’s not worth the hassle of dealing with the PayPal/USPS/Customs Forms interaction for the one or two orders a year that would come from outside the US.